Spray bottle Turn'n'Spray

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At a glance

  • Uninterrupted spraying, even overhead
  • Parts in contact with media made of PP, PE, silicon and stainless steel
  • Nozzle diameter 0.6 mm (0.02 in.), nozzle is continuously adjustable
  • Amount sprayed per stroke: 1.2 ml ± 0.1 (0.04 oz. ± 0.003)

Spraying at an angle or overhead is not possible with standard spray bottles. As soon as the suction tube is no longer immersed in liquid, you can't spray any more.

No so with our overhead spray bottle Turn'n'Spray. It features a special technology that allows you to spray from any position. That means you can spray practically and conveniently from any direction and reach hard-to-access places easily and without straining.

The high-quality, refillable quality spray bottle can be used again and again.

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