Pressure sprayer Food

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At a glance

  • Parts in contact with media PE, PP, VMQ, AISI 304
  • Capacity of 1.2 liters (0.32 gal.)

Please note

  • Suitable for use with foodstuffs

The food pressure sprayer has a transparent viewing window to make it easy to read the fill level. A rubber-coated ring stand ensures that the sprayer can be set down securely. The built-in safety valve protects against overpressure (max. 3 bar (43.51 psi)).

The adjustable nozzle nut makes it possible to regulate the spray jet individually – from a fine spray mist to a powerful jet. The ergonomic handle provides a comfortable hold on the pressure sprayer.

The food-safe spray bottle is specially designed for use in the food industry and is well suited for spraying different media including oils, greases or flavoring substances. It can also be used to easily atomize cleaning and disinfecting agents.

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