Micro spatula stainless steel

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At a glance

  • Stainless steel AISI 304 (1.4301)
  • High-gloss polished
  • Contents 1.25 ml (0.04 oz.)

Please note

  • Material V2A
  • Autoclavable up to max. 121°C (249.8°F) 20 min.
  • Suitable for use with foodstuffs

The micro spatula can be used for reliably measuring, sampling or processing small amounts of powder, chemicals, pastes, creams or active ingredients. The laboratory scoop is made of stainless steel and is manufactured entirely without edges, crevices or undercuts. This excludes the possibility of impurities or cross-contamination, since no product residue or cleaning agents can be deposited.

The micro spatula is ideal for use in the pharmaceutical industry as well as food & beverage and cosmetics.

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